Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where do we start?

Did you ever think that everything you held dear and true just might be wrong?? Or at least huge parts of it?? I'm what has been described as a "Winter" personality rather than a "Summer." Summers tend to be pretty self confident and sure of what they think and where they are in life. If their Christians, they prefer upbeat praise music, an impatience with navel gazers, and display great faith and confidence in a wider scope than Winters. "Winters" are on the other side of the pendulum.
A Summers tendency is to wonder why "winters" struggle, and Winters tend to be amazed how Summers can be so confident. If Summers are convinced about positive things and have concern for others and sympathy for winters they are great people I love to be around. They can assure me that the one thing that I really hold on to is worthwhile and probably deserving of more weight in my life. They can point out how self fulfilling a Winters tendency toward doubting, hand ringing can be. But if they aren't sensitive to how others look at life differently they can be a bane.

Before I address anything else I just need to confess that I'm a Winter. My fondest hope is that both Summers and Winters can learn from one another, especially in the Church. Everything else I post will come from a Winter's standpoint, so Summers . . . cut me some slack, or even better give the Summer response.

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